In my professional work life I have been a potato chip packer, research scientist, teacher, principal, administrator, educational consultant and coach
However for the majority of that work life I was a school principal – twenty-four years. My last principal appointment was from 2009 until 2016 when I was the foundation principal of Mark Oliphant College B-12 (MOC) . This was at that stage the largest school built in South Australia and one of the five “super schools”
After my last tenure as a principal was completed at MOC I became the Principal Leadership Consultant in the South Australian Institute of Educational Leadership (Department of Education and Child Development, South Australia).
During my tenure I developed and established the successful
- Leadership Advisor program- recruiting and organizing the appropriate training for successful current and retired leaders such that they could become Leadership Advisors (Coaches) for those newly appointed to the principalship.
- Professional Acceleration Program- a talent identification program to support and accelerate the development of secondary deputy principals to school principals.
After my last tenure I resigned and completed my training to become an accredited coach. I have now worked with well over 300 clients in this capacity. As well as delivering to school partnerships and individual school bespoke tailored aspects of the Talking Leadership Workshop program.
I have also had significant consultancies including Flexible Learning Options Review (DfE 2016), Apprenticeship Brokers Review (DfE 2017) and major school initiated reviews including topics such as Aboriginal Education (PASS 2018), School Culture (EJEHS 2017-2018), Behaviour (WSS 2019), Site Amalgamation (GHS 2019)
In addition I developed and delivered nationally the Principal WellBeing Program for the Principals Australia Institute (2016-2018).
In my personal work life I am a mother to three “boy-child” adults, wife to one “boy-child” adult and grand mother to three more “boy-childs”. I truly love and admire my daughters-in-law!
Pre-COVID spent as much time as possible travelling and checking things off the bucket list. I am also a life long true believer of the Port Adelaide Football Club!
Lynne Symons PSM
April 2021
- In October 2016 awarded the John Laing Award for Leadership in Professional Development (Primary Education) by the Principal’s Australia Institute
- In November 2015 I was presented with the National Honorary Award from the Children’s University Australia in recognition outstanding commitment (to establishment and development)
- In June 2015 MOC was named as one of the 40 most innovative schools in Australia.
- In July 2014 selected to attend the Harvard Graduate School of Education for the Future of Learning Program .
- In January 2013 I was awarded a Public Service Medal for Education.
- In October 2012 I was awarded the Inspirational Leader of the Year for the SA Public Teaching Awards.
- In January 2012 MOC was awarded the status of an Apple Distinguished School – the first public school in SA awarded that honour. The status was maintained every year during my tenure.
- Leadership Coach (Coaching Accreditation Program- Growth Coaching International)
- Diploma of Professional Coaching (Australian Institute of Professional Coaching)
- Certificate in Management and Organizational Leadership (Management and Research Centre)
- Mentoring for Effective Teaching Trainer (TEDD -Queensland University of Technology)
- Diploma of Education (University of Adelaide)
- Master of Science (University of Adelaide)
- Bachelor of Science (Hons- First Class) (University of Adelaide)